- Scéim Teanga
- Education Plan 2006 - 2010
- Service Plan
- Annual Report
- Sub Committees
- Audits
- Booklets
Night class Guides (August)

Adult Education Resource through Irish in the Gaeltacht
Breacadh was founded in 2000 as a joint initiative between the Vocational Education Committees and Partnership companies in the Gaeltacht regions.
Breacadh is an adult education resource responsible for assisting VECs in the provision of adult learning opportunities through Irish in the Gaeltacht regions.
Breacadh assists the VECs by producing books and other adult learning materials through Irish, and by providing support with tutor training and the marketing of the VECs’ Irish language services.
Please click here to see our
Catalogue (pdf)
Co. na Gaillimhe
Fón: 091-506846
Rphost: www.breacadh.ie
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